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Identity and Enviornment in All Over Creation

Tralfamadorian's picture

"Everyone knew the side dishes were typecast. The carrot was a tall redhead named rusty. The green beans were a pair of skinny twins. The cherry tomato went to a rosy second-grader with shiny cheeks. The corn was a tawny kid named Kellogg. Face it. What is a potato? A potato is a fat, round, dumpy white thing, wrapped in burlap, rolling around on a dirty stage. Somw kids never had to be a vegetable at all. Some kids got to be human beings-Pilgrams or Indians- and eat the rest of the kids for dinner."

[Page 7]

"You know what it's like here, it's not as if a whole lot happens. Good thing you're back-

Glad to oblige.

with a brood of fatherless children and a gang of dirty commie hippies."

[Page 159]

"Every seed has a story, Geek says, encrypted in a narrative line that stretches back for thousands of years. And if you trace that story, traveling with the little seed backwards in time, you might find yourself tucked into an immagrants hat band or sewn into the hem of a young wife's dress as she smuggles you from old country to the new world. Or you might be clinging to the belly wool of a yak who travels across the steppes of Mongolia. Or perhaps you are eaten by an albatross and pooped out on some rocky outcropping, where you and your offspring will put down roots to colonize that foreign shore. Seeds tell the story of migration and drifts, so if you learn to read them, they are very much like books."

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