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Gap in the Society

paddington's picture

"I was seeing kids at Yale do drugs and talk about it openly, and have nothing happen to them or, if anything, get sent to rehab," he said. "And then I was seeing kids three blocks away, in the housing projects, doing the same drugs, in smaller amounts, go to prison. (p3)"

This report from Jones exactly shows the society which is full of inequity. It is very sad that how people are treated is swayed by their social status. To a certain extent, or in extreem case almost all of our social status is determined by the environment where we were born. There is a big gap between people who have and people who do not by nature. Nevertheless, unless a miracle occurs we cannot remove this inequity of this society. The gap is already too big and the society is too complicated. What we can do is to make efforts to make the gap as small as we can. What I can do now is to share hapiness with people around me.