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David J. Vázquez's public talk

Alison's picture

I enjoyed the public talk given by Mr. Vázquez a lot and I thought it provided me more perspectives to look at the environmental studies. I was surprised by the data presented at the beginning showing that Latino suffer from the rugged environment. I liked his idea to put the Latino and the environmental problems into a conversation and connect social justice with ecocriticism. The idea that the Latino do not care about environment is misleading as they are the people who suffer from these issues is interesting. Even though I have not read the book he talked about, I did not feel completely confused or lost because he gave comprehensive introduction and he cited many sentences to explain and analyze. This was a good presentation of a literature class and I learnt a lot about this book and the works of Mr. Vázquez, but I don’t think it evoke my passion to care more about this issues. I personally think this presentation is so constrained to the book itself (or it is supposed to be so), and it would be more interesting to expand a little and reflect the problems discussed in the book to real life.