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Child's Play

Marina's picture

I have never been a particularly outgoing person. I must admit that I probably missed out on many of the social aspects of play as a child. That isn’t to say I never played with children my parents invited over for dinner, but it was rarely by my own choosing. The older I got, the less involved my parents were in my social life, and the more I spent my time playing alone.

What I consider “play” up until kindergarten was often assorted crafts and stuffed animal “role play” with my twin sister. Its possible I did more physical activities as well, but I don't remember them.  In elementary school, play consisted of “playing house,” making daisy chains, scouring the playground for lost trinkets and sketching animals and flowers while sitting in a fort I made in my backyard. After that I became focused on surfing the web (following people on art websites), and reading.

Although these are the activities that my day mainly comprised of, I also remember sword fights with wooden swords and plastic lightsabers and occasionally running around the neighborhood barefoot and pretending to be followed by kidnappers. I found ways to be creative…