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The Blue Castle

hsymonds's picture

This picture, which for the past two years has been the background on my iPad, is a front cover of one of my favorite books, The Blue Castle, by one of my favorite authors, L. M. Montgomery. This novel tells the story of a young woman named Valancy Stirling who, having always been constrained by disposition, family, society, and fear, finally learns to live her own life. I myself am a timid young woman; I have often let fear get in the way of what I want to do, and many of my fears are based on the expectations of my family and others. Thus, I both relate to and look up to Valancy: She represents what I am and what I could become.

The Blue Castle for which the book is named is a place invented by Valancy to which she can escape when she feels lonely, sad, or overwhelmed. I, too, have a tendency to turn to my imagination when I am disatisfied with the world around me. I am hoping that my years at Bryn Mawr will help me find my real Blue Castle, as Valancy does*, that I may cease to live under those constraints which I have placed on myself. 

*In case anyone who reads this post is familiar with the novel, I would like to clarify that I do not consider marriage or wealth to be necessary for me to "find my real Blue Castle." Although Valancy gains both as a result of her journey, the essential part of that journey, and of mine, is learning to overcome her fears.