November 2, 2015 - 14:40

Thursday's class [in Canaday 315]:
I. Silence by Sylvia
Han for Tuesday
[still missing reports from 1/2 of you: Julia, Riley, Sula, Meera, Shirah & Joie]
II. Tuesday we start a new unit on "engendering silence"--
what Tillie Olsen calls "the unnatural thwarting of what struggles to come into being, but cannot,"
all the circumstances—class, color, sex; the times, climate--that silence writers.
To prepare, read two selections from Olsen's book Silences,
a New York Times article on "The Ways of Silencing,"
an essay on Literary Trauma Theory; also look @ 5 short videos
(28 minutes long) about Women and Prison, on reserve in Canaday
III. remainder of class: working alone or in small groups on your creative project
Tuesday's class:
I. Silence by Shirah & Joie
for Thursday, Sylvia
II. talk @ 7 p.m. tomorrow night in Dalton 119:
come and bring your friends!
III. check-in re: tour of Riverside on Friday--
any Thursday folks to join? Abby, +?
need to arrange add'l transportation?
all Friday folks going?