October 26, 2015 - 23:04

I. Silence:
Tuesday by Sula
Thursday by Meera
reminder to Julia & Riley to post on what
they did/had us do last week/the week before...
Shira to find a companion to do this in the weeks ahead....
Shirah & Joie in charge of this next Tuesday,
when we will be welcoming Shira; and when you will come
with some sketches of your project to share
II. Last week, we welcomed Jess Libow,
to help us experience/think about the expressiveness of sign language/ poetry,
the "outlaw ontology" of deafness that, using space, cannot be disembodied:
an antielitist, antiauthoritarian, anarchic practice that is
steeped in immanence, simultaneism and impermanence...
she was struck by some of you saying, in response to the materials we
ask you to read/view, that you felt you were "missing something," and
asked me to share with you a 20-minute TEDxGallaudet talk, by a
Professor of Deaf Studies @ Gallaudet, Dirksen Bauman,
"On Becoming Hearing: Lessons in Limitations, Loss, and Respect":
III. this week, we are spending both classes working on your projects,
with this end in mind: come to Jody's class, next Tuesday, with a
(or some) sketch(es) to share, of what your final project might
look like [in honor of this: no posting on Wednesday....]
IV. you can break off, spread out into antechamber, whereever...
but stay in English House; I'd like us to re-gather @ 3:40 for
a go-round/ check-in about where each of us is...
I also want to check in with each of you,
starting today with the singlets (Kieres, Riley, Rosa, Sylvia),
moving on to the groups (Farida-Madison, Tong-Meera,
Joie-Rhett-Sula, Abby-Han-Julia-Shira) on Thursday...