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Research Update

Joie Rose's picture

As I delve further into researching healthcare issues of trans individuals in prisons, I have found that I need first and foremost to broaden my area of interest. If I were t focus on neonatal and prenatal health care of trans men in prison, I would first have to do a needs based analysis on whether or not this demographic currently exists in a quantifiable measure. So I have begun looking into the reproductive rights of trans people in prison and how the prison system directly stunts the reproductive rights of trans individuals. Here are some of the things that I have come across so far;


Reproductive rights for trans inmates:

  • As long a sexual assault doesn’t result in pregnancy its okay, is the byline for many prisons which has resulted in intersex folks receiving some allowances based on their gender identites, but not trans women
  • There is rampant forced sterilization of cis women and trans people in prisons with a particular record of cases in California prison systems
  • Abortions are pushed on cis women as a form of control, and those who give birth are often never allowed to see their children
  • Reproductive oppressions -
    • Locking trans folks up at the age at which they can have children
    • Criminalization of non gender conforming individuals in general leads to an increased rate of trans individuals in prisons
      • Arrests based on people using the ‘wrong’ bathrooms
      • Arrests based on false asssumptinos/stereotypes of trans indivduals
  • False assumptions based on presentation
  • Trans peoples rights and identity recognitions are conditioned on their giving up their ability to have children and in a culture where one of the forms of 'valid' personhood is the ability/desire to reproduce, the identities of trans people are stemmed further
    • Ex. Many prison assignments are based on whether or not a trans individual has had bottom surgery, based on the fear of prisoners becoming pregnant in the prison thereby perpetuating the oppression of trans individuals reprodctive rights
  • Being a trans person and an inmate gives trans people a double strike against them in raising, adopting, or fostering children
  • Prison dramatically shortens the lifespan of trans individuals


In terms of a container, my medium is dance and clay, although like Sula, I don’t feel like I can/should embody this research with a performance. And while I have so many images in my head about what clay and sculpture can convey, I am hesitant to presume that what’s in my head can/will translate appropriately.

I think our group has been struggling to find a time to come together so utilizing class time to talk about our research and experiences is something that I am looking forward to, especially in terms of coming up with a container that feels right for all of us.