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research project update

saturday's picture

For my project I'm continuing to look into prison reformation and abolition movements, though I'm shifting my focus into examining the intersections and compliments to each other rather than the differences. While I appreciate the goals and ideology of prison abolition, I personally find it an unattainable goal at this time, though rather than dismissing the movement outright I want to examine if it can in any way aid prison reformation. As for my container I'm very interested in the idea of blackout poetry, taking passages from authors/activists on both sides of the issue and blacking out portions of the writing in order to distill it down to a different form, one that hopefully highlights something meaningful. I may include something about our own prison work in the project, perhaps taking from our guidelines or writing, but I'm undecided.

As for our in-class time next week, I think I would like to use it to work on my own, reading some of the articles and papers I have collected and hopefully picking out the pieces I will use in my work (or at least finding several passages to experiment with and find what works best).