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Readings for Black Lives Matter Discussion

jschlosser's picture

Howdy all. Here are some readings that I would suggest (all of which, I should not, come recommended by my good friend Laura Grattan with the exception of the Coates essay on reparations). Please add your own suggestions as comments.

A Boston Review forum with a ridiculous piece by Glenn Loury and some great responses that get at various aspects of the promise and limits of Ferguson and BLM:
A piece by Alicia Garza (one of the three folks who coined the term BLM) that describes the history of that face of the movement from the days after Trayvon Martin's murder and more recent organizing (including dealing with intersectional differences):

A video from Ferguson of activists in their own voices:
An NY Times forum (with a piece by Charles Payne):
A piece by Chris Lebron on black radicalism today --  should it be Malcom or Martin -- and he keeps the question open:
A conversation between Michael Hardt and Alvaro Reyes (Duke Lit PhD) that's got a blend of critique of anti-blackness and discussion of organizing promises and challenges for the movement:
Ta-Nehisi Coates' essay "The Case for Reparations":
[NEW as of Friday November 20]:
Please also read the attached talk by George Shulman that connects Tocqueville and Black Lives Matter.
Microsoft Office document icon Shulman - Keynote.doc68.5 KB


jschlosser's picture

I added a short talk given by George Shulman of NYU that connects Tocqueville and Black Lives Matter. Please also read this for Monday!

Joie Rose's picture

Hello fabulous life forms of our 360!

The article in the link above is something that Abby brought to my attention a few days ago and I'll be using it for my experimental essay. If you could read this before class, that would be wonderful, but if not I would still encourage you all to read it at some point as I think it's incredibly informative and addresses a lot of issues surrounding white allyship that I personally have had trouble putting into words in the past.