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Options for continuing the work inside

jccohen's picture

Options to consider if you're interested in continuing the work in the jail next semester:

You can apply for Kaye Edwards' new class called "Community Engagement and Social Responsibility Seminar" next semester, which will be organized around the theme "home"; students who are interested in the Thurs. news club can take this class.  Students need to know their placement when they submit the application, so they should talk to Romi if they are interested!

Attached is the draft syllabus for Kaye Edwards' class, and the link for the class application:  .

Other possibilities:  You can do Praxis 3 (and take on a significant role in planning class sessions).

OR students who have already been involved with the Thursday or Friday groups and can't take Kaye's class can also join the Thurs. group next semester.

Please be in touch with Romi ( if you're interested in taking any of these routes to participating in Thurs. class next semester!