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Biden Offers $1.7 Billion to Help Factories Build Electric Vehicles

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - July 11, 2024 - 11:42
A Jeep plant that closed last year will be among those that will benefit from federal grants meant to help automotive manufacturers and protect jobs.
Categories: Climate

A.I. Helped to Spot a Copper Mining Bonanza in Zambia

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - July 11, 2024 - 11:39
The deposit, in Zambia, could make billions for Silicon Valley, provide minerals for the energy transition and help the United States in its rivalry with China.
Categories: Climate

How Sydney’s endless rain is ruining football seasons and breaking young hearts

The Guardian Climate Change - July 11, 2024 - 11:00

As Saturday after Saturday gets wiped out by bad weather, clubs are drowning in a sea of unplayed fixtures

The first thing Jamie Amendolia’s boys ask him when he picks them up from school every afternoon is the same: “Is training on? Is the game on? Has it been called off? Are we playing?”

Both of his sons, Sebastian, 10, and Alexander, eight, play football at Enfield FC in Sydney’s inner west. They’re footy fanatics. Except both have had their season thrown into chaos by the wet weather that has hit and bogged down Sydney’s weekends for months.

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Categories: Climate

How Climate Change Is Changing Mississippi’s Cruise Business

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - July 11, 2024 - 05:00
Though operators are building ships, and towns are investing in landings and other infrastructure, fluctuations in the river’s flow, exacerbated by climate change, are hampering sailings.
Categories: Climate

Argentina’s future lies in the balance as vast oilfields poised for extraction

The Guardian Climate Change - July 11, 2024 - 05:00

If passed, a new bill would send the country headfirst into the Latin American oil rush and halt any meaningful energy transition

Read more: Latin America forges ahead on new oil frontier

The new bill that would allow the exploitation of vast oilfields will be, ecologists are certain, the nail in Argentina’s coffin. “We are facing the pinnacle of extractivism, the final adjustment of the screw so that Argentina is no longer a sovereign country over its territory,” says lawyer Enrique Viale.

The law being debated by Argentina’s national congress is designed to attract billions of dollars of investment into the oil and gas industry. Viale is president of the Argentine Association of Environmental Lawyers, one of 50 civil society organisations opposing the bill.

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Categories: Climate

What to Know About the Wildfires in California

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - July 10, 2024 - 22:39
The state has had more than 3,500 wildfires this year, and the peak of the annual fire season has yet to arrive.
Categories: Climate

Desapareció en una avalancha en Perú hace 22 años. Acaban de encontrar su cuerpo

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - July 10, 2024 - 18:31
El deshielo de los glaciares de la montaña más alta del país ayudó a descubrir el cuerpo de Bill Stampfl, quien desapareció mientras escalaba con dos amigos.
Categories: Climate

Las Vegas sets record for number of days over 115F amid its ‘most extreme heatwave in history’

The Guardian Climate Change - July 10, 2024 - 18:19

City hits all-time high of 120F as officials set up emergency cooling centers at community centers across south Nevada

Las Vegas set a new record on Wednesday as it marked a fifth consecutive day over 115F (46C), amid a lingering hot spell that will continue scorching much of the US into the weekend.

The blazing hot temperatures climbed to 115F shortly after 1pm at Harry Reid international airport, breaking the old mark of four consecutive days above 115F set in July 2005.

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Categories: Climate

As Wildfire Season Starts, Heat Waves Challenge Containment Efforts

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - July 10, 2024 - 17:43
Climate change is causing more fires to burn overnight, growing bigger, lasting longer and challenging the fire teams trying to control them.
Categories: Climate

22 Years Ago, He Disappeared in an Avalanche. His Body Was Just Found.

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - July 10, 2024 - 14:18
Melting glaciers on Peru’s highest mountain helped uncover the body of Bill Stampfl, who disappeared while climbing the mountain with two friends.
Categories: Climate

The Tragedy at This Year’s Hajj Is Just the Beginning

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - July 10, 2024 - 14:01
The heat has come for Americans — and everyone else, too.
Categories: Climate

American Climber’s Body Found on Mountain Peru After 22 Years

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - July 10, 2024 - 09:35
Melting glaciers on Mount Huascarán in Peru helped uncover the body of Bill Stampfl, who disappeared while climbing the mountain with two friends.
Categories: Climate

Amazon Says It Reached a Climate Goal Seven Years Early

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - July 10, 2024 - 08:38
The company said it effectively got all of the electricity it used last year from sources that did not produce greenhouse gas emissions. Some experts have faulted the company’s calculations.
Categories: Climate

‘It’s about survival’: Athens mayor focuses on getting capital through extreme heat

The Guardian Climate Change - July 10, 2024 - 06:46

Haris Doukas aims to make Athens more resilient to record temperatures by planting more trees and opening air-conditioned public spaces

Trees, cooling centres, water stations. All three are on Haris Doukas’s mind as he sits in his office-turned-control centre on the top floor of city hall.

Barely six months into the job, the mayor of Athens’s top priority is simple: ensuring that the people of Greece’s capital – mainland Europe’s hottest metropolis – survive the summer. After a June that was the hottest on record, the greater Attica region has already witnessed record-breaking temperatures and wildfires.

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Categories: Climate

FEMA Imposes Building Rules to Reduce Flood Damage

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - July 10, 2024 - 05:03
New restrictions are meant to reduce damage during floods. The rules were first proposed in 2016, then the Trump administration scrapped them.
Categories: Climate

Protesting stuff is your democratic right – or is it? | First Dog on the Moon

The Guardian Climate Change - July 10, 2024 - 02:14

These days, protests must not inconvenience anyone ever

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Categories: Climate

Para salvar la vida en la Tierra, hay que ponerles nombre a las especies

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - July 9, 2024 - 23:56
La taxonomía, o la ciencia de poner nombre a las especies, ha sido víctima de un amplio cambio en nuestras prioridades científicas. Pero la necesitamos más que nunca.
Categories: Climate

New Zealand’s sea temperatures hit record highs, outstripping global averages

The Guardian Climate Change - July 9, 2024 - 22:59

Experts say the new figures dispel the notion that the country is protected from extreme temperatures and raise fears for local marine life

New Zealand’s sea temperatures have hit record highs, outstripping global averages threefold in one region, and prompting alarm over the health of the country’s marine life and ecosystems.

New data from Stats NZ shows since 1982, oceanic sea-surface temperatures have increased on average between 0.16 – 0.26C a decade, and between 0.19–0.34C a decade, in coastal waters.

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Categories: Climate

James M. Inhofe, Senator Who Denied Climate Change, Dies at 89

NYT Global Warming Climate Change - July 9, 2024 - 15:00
An Oklahoma Republican who led the Environment Committee, he took hard-right stands on many issues but was especially vocal in challenging evidence of global warming.
Categories: Climate

Climate expert Chris Stark appointed to lead UK clean energy taskforce

The Guardian Climate Change - July 9, 2024 - 14:11

‘Mission control centre’ to work with energy companies and regulators towards goal of clean and cheaper power by 2030

Labour has appointed one of the country’s foremost climate experts to lead a “mission control centre” on clean energy.

Chris Stark, the former head of the UK’s climate watchdog, will head a Covid vaccine-style taskforce aimed at delivering clean and cheaper power by 2030.

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Categories: Climate