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Latest Climate crisis news, comment and analysis from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice
Updated: 11 hours 52 min ago

Port infrastructure delays threaten UK’s transition to net zero, industry says

13 hours 33 min ago

Dropoff in government approvals put billions of investment in offshore wind schemes at risk, ports bodies warn

The UK’s transition to net zero is under threat as delays in approving new infrastructure put billions of pounds of investment in offshore wind schemes and other vital upgrades at risk, big ports have said.

The British Ports Association (BPA) has written to the government and Labour calling for action to clear the backlog of harbour orders, the legislation needed for ports to make infrastructure changes to support offshore wind projects.

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Categories: Climate

Wind, rain and floods as Hurricane Beryl tears through Caribbean – video

15 hours 51 min ago

Hurricane Beryl has strengthened to a category 5 storm as it hit islands in the south-eastern Caribbean. Beryl ripped off doors, windows and roofs of homes on the island of Carriacou in Grenada on Monday, after making landfall and becoming the earliest category 4 storm in the Atlantic, fuelled by record warm waters

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Categories: Climate

Biden unveils rules to protect millions of US workers from extreme heat

16 hours 27 min ago

Proposal would create first federal standard for workplace exposure to extreme heat, which kills dozens each year

The Biden administration has unveiled a long-awaited proposal to protect workers from extreme temperatures. If finalized, the rule will establish the nation’s first-ever federal safety standard for excessive heat exposure in the workplace and protect as many as 36 million indoor and outdoor workers.

Announced on Tuesday amid temperature warnings across the country, the rule would require employers to establish heat safety coordinators, undergo extreme heat safety training, create and regularly update emergency heat response plans, and provide workers with shade and water.

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‘My escape is going north’: heatwaves begin to drive tourists in Europe to cool climes

17 hours 27 min ago

Whether it’s swapping southern France or Mallorca for the UK or Scandinavia, rising temperatures are changing habits

Like many Parisians, Mathilde Martin used to escape to the south of France at the height of the summer. But three years ago, a blistering heatwave made her rethink trips to the region where she grew up and her parents live.

“Rising temperatures have been a gamechanger,” the 51-year-old teacher said, after an experience a couple of summers ago: “We were near Perpignan during the summer and suffered scorching heat. That week was anything but enjoyable. It felt difficult to breathe at times. My parents, who live in Nice, have repeatedly told me at times in a worried tone that it hasn’t rained for months.”

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Growth is enriching an elite and killing the planet. We need an economy based on human rights | Olivier De Schutter

20 hours 27 min ago

Economic growth allows the few to grow ever-wealthier. Ending poverty and environmental catastrophe demands fresh thinking

Economic growth will bring prosperity to all. This is the mantra that guides the decision-making of the vast majority of politicians, economists and even human rights bodies.

Yet the reality – as detailed in a report to the United Nations Human Rights Council this month – shows that while poverty eradication has historically been promised through the “trickling down” or “redistribution” of wealth, economic growth largely “gushes up” to a privileged few.

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Brutal California heatwave to coincide with Fourth of July wildfire risks

July 1, 2024 - 20:42

Sweltering conditions and power shutoffs may overlap with errant fireworks or badly tended campfires

A brutal and long-lasting heatwave is threatening to wreak havoc across California this week, as sweltering conditions, power shutoffs and a severe uptick in wildfire risks coincide with 4th of July celebrations.

The dangerous weather event is expected to stretch for days with little reprieve. Starting Wednesday, parts of the state will be subject to “extreme” levels of heat risk – reaching the highest level on the National Weather Service’s index – that will last until Sunday or longer. In some areas, life-threatening triple-digit temperatures could linger for longer than a week.

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Categories: Climate

Hurricane Beryl: Caribbean leader calls out rich countries for climate failures as ‘horrendous’ storm makes landfall

July 1, 2024 - 16:32

Ralph Gonsalves of St Vincent and the Grenadines calls Cop ‘largely a talk shop’ and beseeches west to honor commitments

The prime minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) has decried a lack of political will in western Europe and the US to tackle global climate change as Hurricane Beryl has made landfall as an “extremely dangerous” category 4 storm.

Speaking from his residence in SVG on Monday, Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves described the unfolding catastrophe as the “monster” storm ripped off rooftops, including that of the 204-year-old St George’s Anglican cathedral in the country’s capital, Kingstown.

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Categories: Climate

Labour will take global lead on climate action, Ed Miliband vows

July 1, 2024 - 16:08

Exclusive: shadow energy security secretary promises to fill ‘vacuum’ left by Rishi Sunak’s U-turn on net zero

Labour will promise to take the lead on global efforts to tackle the climate crisis, filling a “vacuum of leadership” on the world stage and proving Rishi Sunak’s U-turn on net zero has been a “historic mistake”, Ed Miliband has said.

The shadow energy security and net zero secretary said the UK needed to change course and was “off track”.

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Categories: Climate

North Sea oil decline: ‘We can’t have a repeat of what happened to 80s miners’

July 1, 2024 - 06:43

Unlikely alliance of unions and climate groups call for ‘clear and funded’ transition plan for communities reliant on dwindling industry

“In this city, everyone feels the decline of the North Sea,” says Chris Douglas, 39, who has lived in Aberdeen his whole life and began working as a taxi driver in the Granite City 20 years ago. He now has his own cab company, which in the past was entirely reliant on bookings from the oil and gas industry – today it’s “maybe 50%”, he says.

“You only have to look around: there are industrial estates decimated, hotels no longer trading. The good days are long gone,” he says. “And no political party is coming along to say they are going to rejuvenate the industry. There are just different plans for how to close it down.”

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Categories: Climate

Earth is dying you say? Whatever. Let's build a Mars rocket! | First Dog on the Moon

July 1, 2024 - 02:44

Life on this planet is becoming er … awkward anyway

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At least 30 Reform candidates have cast doubt on human-induced global heating

July 1, 2024 - 01:00

Exclusive: Analysis of social media posts, including by candidates projected to win seats, finds multiple mentions of ‘hoaxes’ and ‘the Illuminati’

At least 30 Reform UK candidates have posted material or made statements that cast doubt on the validity of human-induced global heating, a Guardian analysis can reveal.

A suite of the party’s prospective parliamentary candidates have publicly cast doubt on the existence of the emission-caused climate crisis.

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Categories: Climate

‘We can’t let the animals die’: drought leaves Sicilian farmers facing uncertain future

July 1, 2024 - 01:00

Rainfall is down 40% since 2003 and experts predict a third of Sicily will be desert by 2030

Every morning, as soon as he wakes up, Luca Cammarata looks to the sky in the hope that some clouds on the horizon will bring a few drops of water. On his farm in the Sicilian interior, it hasn’t rained for months. Cammarata’s 200 goats graze on a parched landscape resembling a lunar surface, forced to eat dry weeds and drink from a muddy pond.

The 53-year-old has never experienced a drought like it. “If things continue like this,” he said, “I will be forced to butcher my livestock and close down my farm.”

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Categories: Climate

I saw first-hand just how much fracking destroys the earth | Rebecca Solnit

June 30, 2024 - 06:00

We’ve been making short-term decisions about our planet for a long time. The consequences are horrific to behold

The slashing rain turned the dirt roads into muddy creeks, the bus’s wipers shoved the torrent back and forth across the windshield, and Don Schreiber handled the wheel like Sandra Bullock in Speed as he wisecracked from under a big gray moustache. The vehicle swerved and slid in the storm, lightning flashed on the horizon, thunder shook the air. Whether the old yellow bus would make it back to the ranch house, get stuck or slide and flip depended on his driving.

Don, in his white Stetson and a blue and white checked western shirt, was our tour guide on this land in northwestern New Mexico that he knew intimately and had dedicated his retirement to protecting. When he and his wife Jane Schreiber bought the ranchland about 200 miles north-west of Santa Fe in 1999 to retire to, they – like many westerners – found that they owned the land, but not the subsurface rights. The fracking boom came, and gas companies began gouging holes for gas wells, laying pipelines and cutting roads across the fragile desert soil. Big trucks rolled across the land night and day to service the wells that studded the landscape. At the well we stopped at, the pressure gauge was broken.

Rebecca Solnit is a Guardian US columnist. She is the author of Orwell’s Roses and co-editor with Thelma Young Lutunatabua of the climate anthology Not Too Late: Changing the Climate Story from Despair to Possibility

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Categories: Climate

‘War zone stuff’: women 14 times more likely to die in natural disasters

June 30, 2024 - 00:09

Women should be at centre of climate policies as they face increased rates of violence and homelessness after disasters, researchers say

One woman lived in fear when her husband started drunkenly punching his car and throwing glass bottles at her.

Another recognised her partner’s worsening violence when her young son abruptly told a stranger: “My dad is really mean to my mum.”

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Categories: Climate

‘It’s not beautiful, but you can still eat it’: climate crisis leads to more wonky vegetables in Netherlands

June 29, 2024 - 13:00

Crowdfunding scheme salvages ‘imperfect’ fruit and veg following the country’s wettest autumn, winter and spring on record

When 31-year-old Dutch farmer Bastiaan Blok dug up his latest crop, the weather had taken a disastrous toll. His onions – 117,000 kilos of them – were the size of shallots.

“We had a very wet spring and a dry, warm summer, so the plants made very small roots,” said Blok, who farms 90 hectares in Swifterbant, in the reclaimed province of Flevoland. “Half of them were less than 40mm and normally at this size they aren’t even processed. We would have probably sold them for very little for biomass, or maybe to Poland for onion oil. It’s either far too wet and cold, or far too warm and dry, and there’s no normal growing period in between.”

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Categories: Climate

AI drive brings Microsoft’s ‘green moonshot’ down to earth in west London

June 29, 2024 - 05:00

Tech firm’s bid to remove more CO2 than it produces is being tested as AI spawns new energy-hungry datacentres

If you want evidence of Microsoft’s progress towards its environmental “moonshot” goal, then look closer to earth: at a building site on a west London industrial estate.

The company’s Park Royal datacentre is part of its commitment to drive the expansion of artificial intelligence (AI), but that ambition is jarring with its target of being carbon negative by 2030.

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Categories: Climate

Caroline Lucas: Labour must pursue social justice while tackling climate crisis

June 29, 2024 - 03:00

Outgoing Green MP calls for combined strategy to ensure net zero will not be done ‘on the backs of the poor’

Labour must combine tackling the climate crisis with pursuing social justice, if elected, to show that achieving net zero will not be done “on the backs of the poor”, the UK’s outgoing Green party MP has warned.

Caroline Lucas, who has held the seat of Brighton Pavilion since 2010, said: “The biggest priority is to demonstrate that is not the case. We have to make sure that this is a strategy and a policy that is the opposite of being done on the backs of the poor.”

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Categories: Climate

By reflecting a world in crisis, art can be a powerful part of the climate solution

June 28, 2024 - 20:00

Artists can open hearts and minds to inspire environmental action, and help grieve the loss and damage already inflicted

The Climate Guardians appeared in Westernport Bay in southern Victoria in February 2021, standing in solidarity with the locals protesting plans by energy company AGL to build a new gas hub in nearby Ramsar-listed wetlands.

They appeared again in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris that same year defying the state of emergency ban placed on protesters around the Cop21 and then in the heart of Melbourne throughout Extinction Rebellion’s recent autumn activism.

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Categories: Climate

The week around the world in 20 pictures

June 28, 2024 - 14:48

War in Gaza, a failed coup in Bolivia, protests in Nairobi and Taylor Swift at Wembley: the last seven days as captured by the world’s leading photojournalists

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Categories: Climate

Journalists refused entry to Azerbaijan energy conference ahead of Cop29

June 28, 2024 - 11:44

Incident reignites concerns over crackdown on media before crucial UN climate talks in Baku later this year

Western journalists were refused entry to an energy industry conference in Azerbaijan earlier this month, reigniting concerns over the state’s crackdown on the media ahead of crucial UN climate talks in Baku later this year.

At least three journalists from the UK and France have told the Guardian that they felt “unsafe” after they were denied entry to the Baku Energy Week forum, despite registering with the event organisers weeks in advance.

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