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Non-Fictional Prose Web Paper 2

kgould's picture

Thrill of Disaster, Thrill of Fight or Flight

 Thrill of Disaster, Thrill of Fight or Flight

A professor asked me at the beginning of the year why I enjoyed horror films so much. I watch them regularly, of all different qualities and sub-genres, and I plan on writing my senior English thesis on zombie films and the human unconscious. Why would I want to watch such terrible, terrifying, and often gruesome narratives—especially when the “real” world is disturbing enough on its own?

FatCatRex's picture

Anonymity, Authenticity and Healing: Secrets of Truth-telling Revealed

not even sure

Anonymity, Authenticity and Healing:

Secrets of Truth-telling Revealed


There are two kinds of secrets: those we keep from each other, and those we keep from ourselves.

--Frank Warren

jaranda's picture

The Reliability of Reference Materials

In class, we have talked about the idea of where dictionaries and reference materials fall on the spectrum of reliable sources. On a spectrum where one end was reliable and the other unreliable, we came to the conclusion that these types of materials were considered much closer to the reliable end. With traditional dictionaries, like the Oxford English Dictionary, there is usually an unseen authority that decides what words are worthy of being included. Urban Dictionary, which is much less traditional, has definitions approved by users who can sign up to be an editor of the dictionary for free. Should dictionaries really be considered more reliable only if they have a select group of people

rachelr's picture

The Root of the Thought

"You create the world of the dream, you bring the subject into that dream, and they fill it with their subconscious…"




EVD's picture

Fictional Factuality and The Wire

      On any given Sunday, crime drama series The Wire might draw an audience in the multi-millions. For Baltimoreans, an episode of the show might also parallel a local news broadcast. Critics applaud The Wire for its accuracy because producers base story lines on the experiences of Baltimore police officers and cast prominent politicians and lesser known Baltimore natives alike. The show is so accurate because episodes portray Baltimore as it exists, essentially, as the episodes are airing.

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