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Neuroscience and a Sense of Place


Diane OFee-Powers's picture


It is important to know how fast the receptors in the brain fatigued, I thought it was just my brain HA HA!

Next year when I teach Language Arts for 90 minutes at a time, I really have to remember the fatiguing brain receptors of my students and to make sure to include different activities during each class.

joycetheriot's picture


Wendy’s presentation today was excellent and our engagement in the material was obvious. We are so fascinated with how our brains function particularly when it is fooled. The notion that everything we perceive is fabricated by our mind poses questions about the stability of our world. We felt sorry for Clive Wearing but as Wendy pointed out, that’s our perception and we can’t really know Clive’s. I’d like to involve my students in this investigational process, not as a line of study but as a periphery reflection of how we think. To be engaged in the consideration of oneself is the ultimate joy of most teenagers so why not guide them through a philosophical/neuroscientific analysis of themselves and see what cast offs they throw that might enlighten me!

Rosemary Krygowski's picture

We are our brains

Today's class was a perfect example of the marriage between lecture and inquiry. Wendy had thought provoking questions throughout her lecture, especially when talking about a brain transplant. I guess we really are our brains and  have our own reality.Her inclussion of the video clip on Clive Wearing really explained the concept of anterograde amnesia. I know I'll forget that term but not its meaning.

Ashley's lesson today was wonderful. It really made everyone stop and think.It held our attention which isn't always easy after lunch.She mixed things up and had us moving.So we did not "stop paying attention because things were not the same."Ashley will make a wonderful teacher, I hope she never loses her idealism.She can make a difference!


Mary Ellen McGinnity's picture


I was fascinated by this morning's presentation. One of Wendy's exploration questions - "Is your consciousness the same as mine?" - keeps resonating in the back of my mind. When she stated that we often "tend to make that assumption about our students, but it's not our job to fill their brains," it connected with our inquiry learning conversations. It's engaging rather than filling minds that is key in creating the kind of classroom environments in which critical/analytical thinking intertwines with factual learning.

Ashley's experiments engaged our small groups immediately in very comfortable conversations about the whys & hows of our particular activity. In the whole group discussion, I tried to remember high school experiences that stood out because of my personal involvement. It was a strain to recall any, which is why she'll be such a gift to her future students. Concern for helping students make connections as they learn, tempered with idealism, motivation, and engagement are admirable qualities for fresh AND seasoned teachers!

Rita Stevens's picture


Today's presentations and discussions sparked my interest more than anything I've experienced the past two week. So much so that I am in the process of changing My Blog which I almost had completed. The brain is such a sensitive instrument that controls our entire body. Our sensory sytem(s) could easily be shut down by a point of malfunction in the brain. After talking with Wendy, I have decided to do some research on learning to read and the process of learning to read. None of which would take place without the brain. Such fascination. Wish me luck.
Benjamin Zerante's picture

Morning Response

I think Anne's last question is really interesting to discuss. I have seen from my experiences this year that a classroom requires structure and consistency to run efficiently. If things are always the same though then our students shut off. The balance between the two concepts is interesting. On one hand, students need to know what to expect from a teacher as well as what the teacher can expect from them. On the other, education should be interesting and engaging so it is important to find a balance between classroom routines and an investment in the learning process. I think it is possible to be consistent in the classroom without causing our students to shut down. It's very important, however, to keep this point in my mind so we remember to consider what we are doing in the classroom and how it might affect the way our students perceive us.
Judith Lucas-Odom's picture

Neuroscience, the Brains

I really enjoyed the conversation with Wendy and the brain and  how it functions. The brain story is a revelant part of everything we do.  I think as a society, we need to be aware of how we think and change the way that we perceive how others think.  Wendy brought out  important points in her conversation with us.  How does the brain produce consciousness?  Is your consciousness the same as mine?  How does this affect my outlook on life?   How does the overall picture what we perceive change?  I think as a teacher and as a human being in a society that cuts open, and takes things apart microscopically, that the big picture is that we really don't know. So my story in the journey of life, is to interact with my students iand help them to develop their own consciousness about their world and ease them into mine!  This is my never ending story!   I was also very excited about the hands-on activities and the overwhelming wealth of knowledge of the presenter.  Thanks Wendy!
Anne Dalke's picture

inquiring about brains

What interested me most in this morning's fascinating presentation about neuroscience was that moment, at the very end, when Wendy showed us how quickly the receptors in the brain get fatigued, how rapidly the sensory system "stops paying attention when things are the same." What implications does knowing this have for education, and how we teach?

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