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Week 7: Presenting Our Data

Post here in visual form the results of the data you have gathered in your survey.
By 5 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 19 post here the results of the data you've gathered.
1. create a graph in excel
2. save as picture (control click on the chart to get this option)
3. log on to Serendip; go to this forum and post a comment
4. click on "upload image" and browse for the one you've created
5. submit the image
6. then insert the image--> BEING SURE TO SELECT "400 pixels width of page,"
so it's large enough that we can actually READ it!
Hannah' s graphs
This survey was given to 13
This survey was given to 13 freshman at Tufts University and 13 freshman at Bryn Mawr College.
1) About how many hours per day did you spend doing homework in Highschool?
a) Less than 1 Hour
b) 1-2 hours
c) 3-4 hours
d) 5-6 hours
e) more than 6 hours
2)About how many hours per day did you spend doing homework in Highschool?
a) Less than 1 Hour
b) 1-2 hours
c) 3-4 hours
d) 5-6 hours
e) more than 6 hours
4)How likely were you to complete or start your homework ahead of time in high school?
1 2 3 4 5
1: not likely
5: very likely
4)How likely are you to complete or start your homework ahead of time in college?
1 2 3 4 5
1: not likely
5: very likely
visual interpretations of visual interpretations of....
For a few snap-shots of you interpreting one another's data, see these photos.
1. Add up the number of
1. Add up the number of statements that apply to you
2. How much time did you spend avoiding doing schoolwork during a usual high school day?
4. How much time do you spend avoiding doing schoolwork during a usual college day?
3. With 1 being least satisfied and 5 being most satisfied, how satisfied were you with the way you managed your time in high school?
5. With 1 being least satisfied and 5 being most satisfied, how satisfied are you with the way you manage your time in college?
(No subject)
Sleep Deprivation questionnaire results
Note:For all the graphs except the first one 1 represents strongly disagree whereas 5 represents strongly agree.
Sleeping Survey
Soo Sorry for the mistake!
I realize that my x-axises are hard to interperate
Graph 1 X-axis= 1 as (3-4 hours),2 (5-6 hours), 3(7-8 hours) ect.
BMC Women, Time Management, and Sleep
College Athletics
I surveyed current Bryn Mawr athletes (a total of 97 athletes) and 17 teachers from my high school in Bethesda, MD. Sorry about the delay, I had multiple technical difficulties...
Freshman 15 Graph
1. I take the Freshman Fifteen seriously.
2. I watch what I eat and avoid fatty foods to not gain weight.
3. I go to the gym regularly in hopes of keeping off those extra pounds.
4. The way I see the Freshman Fifteen has changed now that I am in college.
5. There is no way that I will gain fifteen pounds this year alone.
I surveyed a total of 16 fresh women on campus.
Sleep Habits in College
time management satisfaction
clearer graphs for question 1
I made the graphs for question one kind of blurry, so here they are bigger and clearer:
1. Between the hours of 9 pm and 3 am on a typical school night, approximately how many hours do you spend engaged in the following activities?
Survey Results
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Averages per person:
Habit Formation in College Students
Survey Results
Stimulant Medication Use at Bryn Mawr college
oops! Sorry i just caught
oops! Sorry i just caught this mistake on my graph -- for the very first graph, the axis is supposed to be "Students", because it's the number of students, not Hours.
Sorry for the mistake :S
Question 1: Belly dance is closer to club dancing forms than its Middle Eastern roots.
Question 2: Belly dance is audience oriented.
Question 4. Historically Belly dance was seen as 'the art of fallen women' and 'the practice of prostitutes for European clientele.' This is a misconception.
Question 5: Belly dance is an embodiment of feminism
Question 6: You would encourage your daughter, if she belly danced, to perform publicly.
Question 3: Is Belly dance closer to Hollywood interpretation or tribal tradition?
Sleeping Habits of 15 International Freshmen Students
Freshman 15 Graphs
graph 5
sleeping pattern survey
exercise and academic work
Motivation for Exercise in College Students
*Questions were asked on a scale of 1-5 and the sum of the responses for each question is graphed.
Oh no! First graphs!
don't miss
...this week's New York Times Magazine: The Food Issue. It includes Michael Pollan's "Favorite Food Rules," which Peter mentioned earlier this week, but for me the real pay-off was a lovely, lovely story, "Against Meat," by Jonathan Safran Foer, about how having children can make you confront your paradoxes and your dishonesty--and change your habits: "Changing what we eat and letting tastes fade from memory create a kind of cultural loss, a forgetting. But perhaps this kind of forgetfulness is worth accepting — even worth cultivating (forgetting, too, can be cultivated). To remember my values, I need to lose certain tastes and find other handles for the memories that they once helped me carry."
Maiya's Graph - excercise
Bryn Mawr Exercise Chart
Questions -
1 . How often do you exercise at college?
2. Are you increasing the amount you exercise at college compared to at home?
3. How important do you consider exercise at college?
4. In general, do you consider Bryn Mawr a healthy, fit community?
5. Do you believe the "freshman 15" is a real concept?
Select comments for question five: