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My Educational Playground: By Antoinette Sisco

This page serves a brief introduction to me, and a topic that is near and dear to my heart, as a special education teacher, Multiple Intelligences. I am currently a teacher in the Marshall County School District, in Northern Alabama. As a returning student /learner for the Brain and Behavior Institute, I have previously seen, and experienced the benefit of this interactive, synergistic, emergent, dynamic learning environment.
The Multiple Intelligences ideology has fascinated me for over a decade. My interests in neuroanatomy and how the brain constantly changes as new pathways are formed and reformed, has a direct impact on my teaching philosophy and pedagogy.
As with me, a work in progress, please be patient with this learning tool. I am hoping that it will be a place to begin discussion and be useful to others as well as myself.
I believe that education continues to propagate a myth that gifted students and special education students learn differently, and all regular education students learn the same way. As my understanding of neuroanatomy continues to change….
I have had multiple exposures to the Brain and Behavior institute, each time I learn new information. Like an artistic masterpiece, each time I am exposed to the institute, I experience many changes. During my first exposure many of the concepts were new; I was a novice in the materials, the emergent process, the Serendip web site and many other aspects of the Institute. At the time, I was only semi-comfortable with my unknown-unknowns. Possibly like a rough sketch, I began making new neurological pathways, albeit unfinished. My expectation was that I would be able to have a degree of mastery of the materials. I added to my body of knowledge and added a conceptual framework for a new type of learning. I left equipped not only to make connections to my class, but also able to understand better the brain and brain trauma, and the relation to education.
Interactions from year one: I had utilized the web page I created in my classroom. The former traveling physics science program had come to my school. The students were very excited about the program. I also learned information about the brain, which was and continues to be important for my understanding for brain trauma.
During year two, my second exposure, I felt more comfortable with being uncomfortable. I knew that I was not going to be able to master all of the relevant information. I expected to leave someday with my mind having been so expanded that I would be unable to produce any output. I also knew that I was in the process of changing on a daily, almost moment by moment. I had utilized the web page I created in my classroom.
The reason I call this my playground, is that it I have so much fun while here, and I am hoping to give thought provoking interactive information. Please let me know what you think, and if it is helpful to you.
Educational Web-sites
- Multiple Intelligences
- Musical Intelligences
- Linguistic Intelligence- "Word Smart"
- Logical-Mathmatical Intelligence- "Number/Reasoning Smart"
- Spatial Intelligence- "Picture Smart"
- Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence - "Body Smart"
- Musical Intelligence - "Music Smart"
- Interpersonal Intelligence - "People Smart"
- Intrapersoanl Intelligence - "Self Smart"
- Naturalistic Intelligence - "Nature Smart"
Video Links
I have listed my comments for these links, please let me know if these links are helpful and if you are able to use then in your classroom.
Musical Intelligence in Action
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