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Feingold Gallery: A Disability Thing
Feingold Gallery:
A Disability Thing

The design of this gallery is aimed at encouraging conversation involving both immediate and reflective thought, individual and collective. Rather than starting by reading comments of others, please first put your own immediate thoughts in the on-line forum below. This way, we'll all be able to see how much similarity and difference there is in our initial reactions and interpretations of the images. Then go back to see what others have said about this image and add whatever new thoughts you have as a result of that. More general thoughts about the collection of images and/or this exhibit as a whole are welcome in the on-line forum on the exhibit home page.
the picture of the women
the picture of the women floating in the air makes me think of extrordinary highs and angain in the dark on the left but the fact that here she is in the dark represents lows or depression. The room likes disorderly. I sense some strugle in that room cause from the three disorders written in the pic. The chair tells of the seizure the chalkboard and sitting chair represents the problems someone with adhd might have in a classroom setting.
Not a classroom I could
It seems like the empty room
This reminds me of the
Fear of the classroom
I am struck by the isolation
Shades down
There is some light coming
Alone, and yet not quite
Broken and abandoned.
war deprivation...i feel
My favorite picture. I like
disability thing comment
Disability thing comment
(posted for a friend)
My empty heart.
I immediately feel the
I immediately feel the separateness of this room; but the fact that I've been invited to see it lets me feel that there is really warmth here and a willingness to share the experience and the life.
Thank you.
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