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Feingold Gallery: 1967

Feingold Gallery:



The design of this gallery is aimed at encouraging conversation involving both immediate and reflective thought, individual and collective. Rather than starting by reading comments of others, please first put your own immediate thoughts in the on-line forum below. This way, we'll all be able to see how much similarity and difference there is in our initial reactions and interpretations of the images. Then go back to see what others have said about this image and add whatever new thoughts you have as a result of that. More general thoughts about the collection of images and/or this exhibit as a whole are welcome in the on-line forum on the exhibit home page.



Serendip Visitor linda a nj artist's picture

LEFT FOR DEAD? No one will HELP?

No one will try
no one will HELP,
Even though YOU CLEARLY SEE , I do not have a KEY, or Answeres and NO ONE IS here to help me
so Please help me
And am desperatly needing a Heroic Intervention or
I will continue to suffer
possibly Loose all Hope
IS ths true, NO ONE CARES.........
I SHOULD GIVE UP,and Die,???
I cant get away from myself,and....I am sick and I DO NOT HOLD A PHD!
will you Listen?
HELP ME I NEED SOME ONE rescuse me,Cause I do not know what else I CAN DO....PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU
IM STUCK I HAVE NO HOPE, love boo hoo

(folling statement is a INSIDE FAMILY JOKE)
and is not part of my answer "SAVE THE BABY!"

hether's picture

bury, dig up, bury, dig up,

bury, dig up, bury, dig up, life threatening pain.

Anonymous's picture

This baby represents all that I feel.

All my life I suffered different problems - not developing like other children my age, falling behind in school only to consider my own death beginning at the age of 8...and then at 18 finally being kicked out of school for behavioural issues that were uncontrollable AND related to autism, then being kicked out of the house and living in the hospital for over 2 months. Metaphorically speaking I have been left for dead, meaning my self-esteem is alarmingly low and still yet deteriorating, and though I've been relocated to a home for persons with special needs, I hate being lumped together with people and I'd do anything to get out. All my life I've had friends come and go, but ultimately sometimes my teachers seemed to care more than my friends when I was in a rut. In my mind I am a much older version of the baby in that picture. That is the bottom line of all that I have just said.

tg's picture

left for dead

It appears to be a life that no one wants. Visually sadness and dispair. I work in neurology as an EEG tech and there are people like that out there.

Anonymous's picture

When i look at her face all

When i look at her face all i think or feel is deep despair, such a pain that cannot be described in words.

Anonymous's picture

Don't Leave Me

At first I scanned all of your pictures, but this one ultimately pulled me in. Like the others have said, it is perhaps because it is such a gripping image and it invokes my own feelings of not wanting to be abandoned. It is a common human emotion, shared probably more intensely by those with disabilities (or different abilities). In my own experience as a parent of a child with autism and in my volunteer music therapy work with those with Alzheimer's and dementia I can see this image of an infant as very applicable. Both groups of people find it difficult if not impossible to readily communicate with the world and in many ways might feel like a helpless baby left for dead. For me, the message is that the rest of us need to be their voices and their advocates and promote the fact that all people and all life is valuable and must be respected and protected.

dfeingold's picture


Ryan, your question is a good one. All the words that comprise the answer to your question lies literally, in four of the words in your question: "Mental-illness-is-scary". df

Martin's picture

I see an aborted baby. 

I see an aborted baby. 
Ljones's picture

This image is awful! My

This image is awful! My heart aches for both the child who will have to face the world alone, and the mother who was put into circumstances such that she was made to leave her child.
ryan g's picture

Yeesh, this one is scary.

Yeesh, this one is scary.  How does this have to do with mental illness?  Is it supposed to?
mstokes's picture

The saddest image yet...

what becomes of a baby left for dead--death in abandonment, or life in the worst of circumstances? 
akerle's picture

Is this a child? Someone not

Is this a child? Someone not only ignored, but doomed from birth? Perhaps a genetic death sentence. 
kmanning's picture


Terror, pain, desolation and destitution. An explanation of what might be at the heart of much of his unhappiness: that he was left for dead, or if meant less literally, maybe he is asking himself if someone with his disablities should have been left for dead? What consistutes "life"?
Sophie F's picture

Birth as both the beginning

Birth as both the beginning of life and the end of complete safety. Fear and abandonment.
PS2007's picture

The image of a baby crying

The image of a baby crying is hard to look at in and of itself, but the words on the bottom "left for dead" make it seem so hopeless.
ysilverman's picture

We are born, thrown out into

We are born, thrown out into the world alone. There is an instant of perfection, and then a lifetime of falling apart.
Riki's picture

Trapped with no one to care.

Trapped with no one to care.
merry2e's picture

Loss and the ultimate in

Loss and the ultimate in abandonment...mother and child came to mind at the time of separation at birth....a longing and wanting.
Laura Cyckowski's picture

At first my least favorite

At first my least favorite picture because it is so disturbing and haunting. Now, my second favorite. Abandonment and helplessness.
Paul Grobstein's picture

1967 comment

Everyone's deepest secret fear?
Paul Grobstein's picture

left for dead comment

(posted for a friend)

How I constantly feel.

Anonymous's picture

left for dead

arresting image-- excellent art. my first responses are formal: what is it made of? how big is it? how would it look in person?

my second responses are personal: was the artist born in 1967, or was this the year of a great, life-defining trauma? and if the artist feels this entrapment, grief, and unmet demand constantly, as an essential state of who s/he is, the only possible response on my part is concern: is the artist seeking to dissolve this anguish using medications that just don't work well enough (a problem for many people that leads to death)? Is the artist self-medicating with non-prescription drugs that interfere with psychotropics (if those have been offered)? My own experience is that medication, even in a sober person, won't work alone; one needs support--friends, counselor, but most of all a commitment to well-being and a plan to develop self-care and self-trust as absolute priorities. Again, my own experience leads me to recommend some study of Buddhism in its simplest forms. The basic Dharma speaks in a special way to those of us who have experienced anguish as an essential state: first, all life is dukkha (often translated as 'suffering'); second: suffering is exacerbated by desire; third: desire can be minimized (fourth:) if one follows the 8-fold path. I think this is a compassionate and practical teaching for the anguished, so long as the 8-fold path is not seen as a series of pitfalls, but gentle tools that can help one become mindful of the ways we all contribute to our own suffering when the immediate cause of our pain is obscure.

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