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Evolving Systems

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Welcome. This page provides a continually updated lists of links to materials created in connection with the Evolving Systems project. Feel free to browse and comment in the associated online forums. For more information about the project itself, please see the project home page and the overview.

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving Systems: July 2009 Core Group Meeting

The Emergence of Form, Meaning, and Aesthetics

July 7, 2009 Core Group Meeting

Background, Summary,
and Continuing Discussion

Background (Paul's version):

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving Systems Starting Points: Beckmann

Peter Beckmann
Starting Points re Evolving Systems and Emergence
27 June 2009

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving inquiry: the unconscious as bridging the intellectual/spiritual and the academic/personal

Interesting conversation with Bharath last week, one based on a shared interest in the "unconscious view of thinking" and exploring some of its implications with regard to the relation between the professional and the personal, the "intellectual" and the "spiritual."

Bharath Vallabha's picture

Transdisciplinary Meeting Proposal


I very much appreciate and am excited about the possibility of trans-disciplinary conversations. In my experience I have found though that good intentions on all sides are not sufficient in order for such a conversation to fruitfully take place. In what follows I would like to do three things: 

1) describe the situation (what it seems to me normally happens in the attempt at trans-disciplinary conversations)

2) diagnose the situation (the reasons why the situation plays out in the way it does), and

Anne Dalke's picture

Starting from "what happened here before"....

Gary Snyder begins a poem called “What Happened Here Before”:

— 300,000,000—
First a sea: soft sands, muds, and marls
— loading, compressing, heating, crumpling,
crushing, recrystallizing, infiltrating,
several times lifted and submerged,
intruding molten granite magma
deep-cooled and speckling,
gold quartz fills the cracks…

(and continues, quite a few stanzas later…)

And human people came with basket hats and nets
winter-houses and underground
yew bows painted green,
feasts and dances for the boys and girls

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving Systems: May/June Core Group Meeting

The Emergence of Form, Meaning, and Aesthetics


May/June 2009 Core Group Meeting Summaries
and Continuing Discussion

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving Systems: In Depth Analysis

The Emergence of Form, Meaning, and Aesthetics

In Depth Analysis

Paul Grobstein
9 June 2009
(with thanks to the Evolving Systems core group for ideas and to Laura Cyckowski for graphics assistance)

Several different ideas talked about during the first meeting of the Evolving Systems core group are brought together in the image to the right.

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving Systems: Home Page

The Emergence of Form, Meaning, and Aesthetics

The Evolving Systems project is an exploration of  the idea that form, meaning, and esthetics are interdependent emergent characteristics of an ongoing evolutionary process originally lacking any plan, intention, of purpose.  And of the implications of such an idea for both intellectual and practical life. 

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving Systems: Starting Positions

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving Systems: Core Group

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving Systems: Background

Paul Grobstein's picture

Evolving Systems: Overview

The Emergence of Form, Meaning, and Aesthetics


An inquiry into emergent relationships among randomness and form, meaning, and aesthetics (see Background), with particular attention to