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The Story of Evolution and the Evolution of Stories: A Syllabus

The Story of Evolution and the Evolution of Stories:
Exploring the Significance of Diversity
Biology/English 223
Bryn Mawr College
Spring 2009
Anne Dalke (English House, ext. 5308,
Paul Grobstein (Park Science Building, ext. 5098,
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"There is grandeur in this view of life...that...
from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved." Charles Darwin, On The Origin of Species |
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"But what is life but an experiment?... I consider Leaves of Grass and its theory experimental--" Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass |
Required Texts: Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection (1859; rpt. and ed. Joseph Carroll, 2003) Daniel Dennett. Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life (1995) Paul Feyerabend, "Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge" (1975) Susan Sontag. "Against Interpretation" (1963) Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass (The Original 1855 Edition; rpt. Dover 2007) Siri Hustvedt, The Sorrows of an American: A Novel (2008) |
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Week One: Playing/Setting Things Up
Tues, Jan. 20 Welcome! A Work in Progress About a Work in Progress
Thurs, Jan. 22 What Happened to the Versus?
Sun, Jan. 25 (and each Sunday evening thereafter):
post on-line your thoughts about this (or last) week's readings-and-conversations
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Weeks Two-Four: |
5 p.m. Fri, Feb. 13: Paper #1 due
Write 3-4 pp. in which you think through some problem that has been raised in your mind by our discussion of biological evolution. This is not a "reaction paper" (like your forum postings), but should rather make a claim, develop a thesis, and support it with observations which you have drawn from several new resources you have located (either in the form of written texts or on the web).
Some sample topics:
- why should evolution be taught, or not, in high school?
- perform a textual analysis of Darwin: explain the process by which he makes meaning, examining his use of language, his underlying presumptions, etc.
- write a critical evaluation of the evidence for evolution
post a copy of the paper in the course web exchange.
Weeks Five-Seven: Is Evolution a Useful Story Beyond Biology? Tues, Feb. 17 Dennett, Part I: Starting in the Middle (pp. 17-145) Thurs, Feb. 19 Dennett, continued Tues, Feb. 24 Dennett, Chapters 12-14 (pp. 335-427) Thurs, Feb. 26 Dennett, continued Tues, Mar. 3 Dennett, Chapters 15-18 (pp. 428-521) Thurs, Mar. 5 Dennett, continued |
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5 p.m. Mon, Mar. 16: Paper #2 due
3-4 pp. on some aspect of the story of evolution beyond the context
of biology which is of particular interest or use to you. Bring a hard
copy to class and also post a copy of the paper in the course web exchange.
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Weeks Eight-Twelve: How and why do Literary Stories Evolve? |
3-4 pp. on some aspect of the evolution of literary stories that particularly interests--or is useful--to you. Submit a hard copy and post a copy in the course web exchange.
Weeks Thirteen and Fourteen: Biological Evolution, Literature, and ... ? Tues, Apr. 21 What a Biologist is Learning from Literary Criticisim; What a Literary Critic is Learning from Biology... Thurs, Apr. 22 What We All are Learning from One Another.... Tues, Apr. 28 & Thurs. Apr. 30 Bringing it all together--telling each other new stories Spontaneously formed emergent groups of four or so students each should prepare ten-fifteen minute presentations reflecting on their experiences over the semester. Presentations should encourage, in a provocative and entertaining way, further story development on the part of others in the class. |
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12:30 p.m. Friday, May 15 (all others)
Paper #4 and Portfolio Due.
Paper #4: 10-12 pp. in which you make use of the biological, philosophical and literary stories of the course to create a new, interesting, useful story of your own--one that might well (in consultation with your instructor) have a creative dimension.
Instructions for Preparing and Posting Your Papers
Instructions for Preparing Your Portfolio
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Course Requirements:
The images on these pages are reproduced with permission of
Rieko Nakamura and Toshihiro Anzai;
you can see a complete
display of their work at