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Anne Dalke's picture

our wandering minds....

Given the current tenor of our conversations (aka do we "trust our brains?") I thought y'all might enjoy, as much as I did, this piece in yesterday's Science Times: When the Mind Wanders, Happiness Also Strays. The argument here is that daydreaming will not make you as happy as focusing intensely will. Based on one survey, w/ a quarter-million responses, "minds were wandering 47 percent of the time. That figure surprised the researchers," who found it "kind of weird now to look down a crowded street and realize that half the people aren’t really there." (First question: does mind wandering mean absenting yourself?) And those wandering minds are less happy than the focusing ones...(So, second question:) Do you believe this? (And a third one:) How well does it jive w/ your own experience??


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