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Culture change in China

Culture changes by different means. A strictly preservative area might have problems shifting their culture preferences in a relatively short run, as many culture changes by colliding with different other culture. But there are apparently other things going on in one culture itself.


Taking China as an example, there are different historical facts to examine how culture changes.

China has 5000-yr history, which is accumulated by dynasties. Replacements of the ownership by Han people from middle and South of China or Man People or Mongolian from North, and the external culture like Buddhism from Indonesia all have great impact on the mainstream Chinese culture.


Till 1960s, A nation wide culture revolution has taken place in China. During the 10-year revolution, traditions and customs are categorized as the trash of history which should be all abandoned thoroughly, and Communism as everyone share all assets and lead a life without any luxury idea (including wearing colorful clothes) are highly encouraged. Whoever hides curio, ancient books even figure of Buddha should turn them in and let them be destroyed.


We can see the determination of the government to destroy all traditions in China. The result of it is that we have lost so many memories, records, good qualities and traditions, but still a lot of the culture has been passed on, and now, people are looking back, hoping to find out and preserve the good qualities of Chinese culture.


That is, many features of a culture are passed on by records and actions. Newborn generations go to temples to worship Buddha, as a traditional action. And the figure of Buddha is a record to remind people of the culture. When the figure is destroyed and people are forbidden to go to the temple, this tradition might lose in a certain area. The ancient strict etiquette towards teachers and parents are lost in this way.


However, some features of a culture are buried in people’s character, and it is very hard to eliminate them in 10 years. Chinese people are careful, modest and laborious. This feature is still there.


But as Chinese economy boosts, there are also many new changes occur over time. Trades bring new idea and goods, which change the way people used to live a life. People are no longer living in quadrangle courtyard and they now have computers and TVs. In return, people are isolated by departments and anti-theft locks which weakens their kindness and the tradition to share their stuffs with neighbors.


Also, the globalization brought the western culture, and thus we got Christmas and Valentine’s Day in China. People are celebrating them in Chinese sense of New Year and love, not the origin one in Western world.


Better economic conditions allow people to think more about mental desires, including Chinese traditions. We are looking back and trying to memorize what Confucius taught us, and what other festivals the ancestors left for us. Elementary schools begin teaching <The Analects> anew and Government set new laws of vacations for Chinese traditional festivals like Qingming, Lovers’s Day and Mid-autumn Day in memory of Chinese tradition.



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