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CParra's picture

Who controls the past now controls the future


There are times when one is able to interrupt a person’s word, but there are also times when you must leave them alone to get out what they need to say. I have always had the problem of not listening to this rule because my voice and thoughts always overpowered another person. It is weird to see someone just like me speak with such conviction. It is like a mirror, but it is also really embarrassing.

So now back on track. I really do not think culture can change so fast. Look at the cultures in other parts of the world have they changed. The only thing that has affected the change is technology. That was such a big modification that most major cultures changed due to this. Even then though there are countries or parts of countries that have not modified or changed. I know I talk a lot about Mexico, but that is my only reference point. There are people in Mexico who still have the culture of the past. The people who see them see them living in the past but that is there culture.

Don’t believe me, my dad’s step-grandpa and my grandma’s house don’t have a bathroom but an outhouse which is just a cement square to do your business in. That is where I have to do my business. There are also no roads in their pueblo only dirt paths. There is also farming and shops opened by the people as source of income. We still have the bread and vegetable man on his bike selling to each house. There is also the big party that we do to celebrate our respected saint. The culture is still the same there. Even though technology came in, the culture is still there alive and string.

One person cannot change the culture. What does change it is the bug idea. People put a lot of emphasis on the internet but what changed the world was not the internet but the technology. The big ideas change society and even then there are a lot of cultures that fight back.



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