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In class on Thursday we learned too much for my brain to handle. I was interested in the beginning when we were discussing the truth about Darwin, and how the guy actually found a way to incorporate all of his ideas in one idea: descent with modification.

I know this is bad but when paul ahh that sounds weird Prof was talking about this you can hear the passion in his voice. I only get like that when I talk about cultures and languages and math. This made me really interested in what was being said the funny thing is that i didn't know what  descent with modification was until the middle of the "lecture". That is when I actually understood but we then moved to another topic. that was confusing in itself. 


I have always learned about natural selection and survival of the fittest in my science classes but for some reason that is not what darwin had concluded. Why is there a whole in my knowledge? Was i not ready to learn  descent with modification until college. Students are given partial information and that sucks.


Those are my thoughts on class. I just had a breakdown. When is a student ready to learn certain concepts. Descent with modification is on the same level as all the other examples. why not teach students this. 


I am now confused was descent with modification on Thursday just a glimpse of what this actually means.


I think that was an actual brain #%$@.


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