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Olivia's picture

interesting transition and more

Before, I hardly ever connected the scientific creation stories with the traditional creation stories, because scientific stories are like some theories from the Physics textbook while the creation stories are like fairy tales.

However, after the class, I realized that the scientific stories and creation stories are different in outward but the same in essence. First of all, their purposes are both to explore the origin of the universe. Secondly, they are both our guesses based on how much we perceive from the world. The creation stories in the ancient times were the guess based on what people knew at that time, which were “not true, but not made up.” The same as the scientific stories are today. As our scope of the world become larger, creation stories transfer to scientific theories. The knowledge used in creation stories is just a small part of the knowledge used in today’s scientific stories. Thus, our creation stories should fit inside the story of Turner’s. But, interestingly, the reality is the opposite. Our creation stories disappear if we acknowledge that Turner is right. How could that happen? I couldn’t figure that out.

When we perceived 1%(1% is just an example) of the world, we reasoned seriously and made a guess that the world was on turtles. When we perceive 20% of the world, we reason seriously again and make a guess that the world is NOT on turtles, which is totally the opposite of what we reasoned before. So, if we perceive 30% of the world, or 50% of the world, what will we get after the reasoning? Totally different from what we have right now? Will we have a totally different view of world as we know more and more about the universe?




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