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Look out

Great Thursday! Now the class enters my favorite discussion part—something based on physical and biological theories. We started analyzing the true beginning through the scientists’ eyes and with the logical thinking, not those unrealistic “creation stories” or myths. I like the words on the homepage of our course web--real truth. I appreciate the reading materials which reveal or just talk about some natural phenomena and mysteries, driving my curiosity and passion to the unknown world. Even though I may never get the exact answer; even though I cannot figure them out through any encyclopedia; even though I find myself so tiny and superficial when I read and think about the macroscopic universe, nature and living beings, I still love the world, full of the secret and marvel. Seldom will people have Hubble space telescope or C-14 dating instrument, but they can still explore the world with the unlimited minds, even beyond 1027, the edge of universe.

What are the differences between creation stories and scientific articles? It must be a totally obvious question. One is subjective and mental while the other is objective and realistic. People who enjoy reading creation stories may not believe in those myths; but for people who like certain scientific article illustrating some theories, they must be the loyal adherent of those theories. For some spiritual things, people often choose the one they like most. On the contrary, for some pragmatic things, people tend to trust the one that is most persuasive. I seriously consider how to “re-conceive my story with an extended time dimension”. Does it mean that I should try to add some scientific element into my creation story make it more reasonable. Do not stag on the period of human beings! In a extended time trace, we are so new, young and negligible comparing to the infinite time of space and high possibly multiverses. Jump out of the earth and look out! Never stop the imagination about parallel universes before opening the “Schrödinger’s box”.


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