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Intro and Myth

Hello all, I'm Kayla. I've had to do his about 18 times this past week, so next time I'm required to introduce myself I'm going to make something up. For now I'll tell the truth. I'm from Chicagoland, I reside in Merion, I like science, good music, and movies directed by Wes Anderson. Feel free to befriend me if you want to learn more; I also value friendship very highly. That was a strange tangent.
I'm picking C.S. Lewis's creation of Narnia in "The Magician's Nephew" for my creation myth. As a note: I've never prescribed myself to any religion, and although I did attend Catholic Church until around 4th grade, organized religion and its teachings never really clicked with me, who is always wanting clean-cut visual explanation for things. Therefore I don't believe in Creationism. It was a nice story when I was little.
My actual beliefs aside, I think the creation of Narnia is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read/pictured in my head, and that is why I'm choosing it. When I was much younger and first read the books and had no idea about the millions of biblical references and religious parallels in the book, it blew me away. Now that I've read the books knowing that Aslan represents God/Jesus, etc, I feel just as much awe as I did years ago. If the world was indeed created by a higher being, I would want it to be created in that way, with song, light, color, and incredible majesty, and raw power and energy. It is just astounding to imagine whereas Genesis I is pretty straightforward and normal. As far as creating worlds goes.

Ok, the link is kind of confusing. Go to the link, it's a google book, scroll until you get to page 61, read the first big paragraph until it cuts the book out. There it is. Enjoy! I highly suggest reading the Narnia books if you haven't already; they are highly entertaining. See you in class!


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