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Narrative is determined not by a desire to narrate but by a desire to exchange. (Roland Barthes, S/Z)
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acquiring conversational skill
Pleased of course to be that of as a model. But, for the sake of the record, the inclination to "jump in to support or disagree with the speaker" is one I still wrestle with and feel the need to myself get better at controlling. Very glad Ashley flagged it. Think its a quite general problem, one almost everyone needs to work on. And do think it relates in part to cultural experience: to learning in various contexts that "jumping in" is a part of being recognized, assessed as significant by others. Among the things that can counterbalance such experiences is, as as Ashley says, realizing that one can often get more for oneself from other people by not jumping in so quickly. And beginning to learn to enjoy the ebb and flow of ideas irrespective of who is voicing them, and coming to understand that the richness of the ebb and flow is often compromised by quick responses.