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Judith Lucas-Odom's picture

Allowing the Unconscious to mingle with the Conscious

Today's conversation was very well thought out and it flowed together.  Wil was able to get my conscious to relate to my unconscious through the various inquiry activities.  I was able to understand why, when I see, smell, or taste something, it sometimes relates to past memories.  If I smell lavender this experience takes me to a peaceful place.  I/my unconscious sees this smell as relaxing and pleasant.  Even for a not so favorite smell, like a rotten egg smell; I think of when I had to put a lot of garbage out when I was younger that was moldy and stinky, I go back to an unpleasant time.   I especially like how Wil set the stage by giving us a short story to read about, one man's interpretation of how the interacting of the conscious and unconscious works for similar experiences within him.  This will be a great inquiry activity which will start a conversation on differences and similarities that all people have using the senses and past/present experiences.  I enjoyed the review of the tongue because it related what I just read to the activity of how I taste.  My taste is a combination of smell, background information, taste and most of all my unconscious creating a story that brings it all together with my conscious.   Bon appetit!, Wil, I truely enjoyed the meal you prepared for my conscious and unconscious!


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