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rdanfort's picture

Other senses?

We talked briefly about having "perfect pitch" as an apparent eidetic memory phenomenon, can something similar be said of touch?  I wouldn't ask about smell, conventional wisdom strongly associates smell wtih memory already, but as I write this I also realize that recall of smells is different from recalling memory based on a smell.  So, perhapsi it is also reasonable to ask if there are people with a grasp of touch or smell analogous to perfect pitch or photographic memory.

I could think of a reason why not - we talked about the loss of eidetic memory as part of a process of maturing and interpreting sensory data differently.  Touch and/or smell might be present in a typical person's life in such a way that there is no tendency to recall detail in the way that one might for vision or sound.  It's very difficult, as a sighted and hearing person, to go about thinking of the differences in attention and use between those senses and touch, smell, etc.


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