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gloudon's picture

stuck on central pattern generators...

 So, I am aware that we have moved on to corollary discharge, but I have one more CPG question left.  Does each innate skill get its own CPG? Or, can multiple, similar things be stored in one central pattern generator.  If you think about memorizing pieces of music, to the point where your I-function conflicts with your CPG's ability for you to play the piece of music without thinking, does it create and get stored in one big CPG file in your brain?  To me, it would make sense to have a music CPG that stored all of the pieces, or to have one CPG for each piece of music that you memorized.  Further, if you play multiple multiple instruments and or read multiple musical clefts, are they stored in the big music CPG or do they each have their own CPG?  If they are separate CPG's, does each subsequent CPG become easier to form?


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