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mcurrie's picture

Still questions and confusions

 So I'm trying really hard to understand the whole outputs without inputs and seeing Michelle's article emotions make sense but I'm still trying to figure the leech. I know that they isolated a nerve but I am wondering if they had to put any kind of electricity through it or if the nerve was just twitching because it was being cut out and in shock or how they knew that the same pulse given from the nerve was the same as when the leech swims away. Because when the topic was introduced the leech twitched when startled which is an input but when taking out the nerve and it twitches the twitch then becomes an output with input. I'm still confused and trying to get my head around it, or ignore the knowledge that was placed in my mind that all outputs had an input. I guess I just need to get more observations and information to truly make my own conclusion about outputs without inputs.


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