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Deidre Bennett's picture

I understood Emily

I understood Emily Dikinson's poem to mean that the brain has knowledge of the sky and everything else. The brain contructs meaning of its surroundings where as the sky can not. The sky does not have a conscious or the ability to think. In fact, the sky would not exist if the brain did not anknowlege it as the sky. We began a disscussion on brain variants where Paul said there was not a "normal" brain but instead every brain was different or brains could be put into groups with other brains that are similiar to it. I agree with this statement, but what concerns me is how society then determines what brain variants are medically treatable and which are not. I use brains predipose to violence as an example. if these brains are similiar when studied then why is their not proper medical treatment for them. Graham pointed out that society has tolerance for some variances, I agree. Obviously violence is not one them. As a society we believe violence is a moral crime. It is a crime against society and speaks to a persons soul. I can not say that I believe differently. So how does society deal with this variance . . . .we build more jails.


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