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Diane OFee-Powers's picture


My name is Diane O'Fee-Powers and I teach 7th&8th grade at Cook-Wissahickon Elementary School. Last year was my first year at Cook-Wiss and I taught science, this year I will be teaching reading. My school is in Roxborough. My first thought as I read this article was "How can we do this in Phila., with the Core Curriculum? The more I read the article, the more I thought of ways to incorporate it into the classroom, one of my thoughts is to possibly use it as a Service Learning Project. Last year we created a magazine & I would like to do that again this year.I was thinking of publishing the results of the project in the paper. I want the kid to decide what the project should be, one idea I had was to address the issue of violence, another idea is to address an environmental problem. My school just started recycling, so that might be the direction we take. Cook-Wiss is close to several parks which opens up more possiblities for environmental projects. As you can see I am really excited about Science and a Sense of Place!


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