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Terrible2s's picture


I think we are constantly looking for answers to all the questions we have in life. So we make observations and then summaries of observations, and we print them up in journals and newspapers. Most people call it Science and Truth and are comforted by the Answers that they have to their questions. I think, for the most part, what I read is correct, and that we can explain most things in life through science. To a point. Obviously there will always be new things to explore and old things to re-evaluate, but I think that even if we were to explain about our bodies and the physical things in the world, we won't be able to explain. 

We can find so many explanations of chemical reactions and neurons firing off, but I think there's something more. I'll take what the last commenter said about love and its being important in our lives so it doesn't matter that we can explain it as purely biological, and take it a step further. I agree with him or her that it is more imortant than the nuts and bolts of our explanations. But I would argue that its not only more important, that it is more than that in general. I think there are components and details of the spectrum of human emotion which we cannot explain. Who love and how we love, it's completely individual, and I think unexplicable. I think we are wasting our time if we try to call emotions anything different, because there will always be that something else. Some call it soul, some call it god, but I think there's a something else.

So biology is interesting and important and has a function in our lives, but it is limited.


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