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paoli.roman's picture

Week 10

 Today's class stirred up some hardcore emotions! In the beginning, the idea that everything  (be it a monkey, chair, or leaf) is breaking down makes sense of a natural process everything experiences. Everything has its own cycle and process of creation and death. When the topic of death emerged thats when the conversation got "heated"! I feel comfortable with the idea that everything has to end at one point because this way new things emerge and create new beginnings. Yes, the idea of death is horrifying and scary but if it did not exist, death, then we would all get bored of life and there would be too many people in the world (making it very crowded). Scientists should find a way to make life less painful or stressful but they should not really try to prolong it since it could have drastic consequences as previously mentioned.The important concept that I understood and felt at ease with when class was over was the idea that, if there is no death then there would be no change.



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