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Terrible2s's picture

Who ever said aging was natural...

So I am always talking on this forum about how scared this class makes me--we find out things like our species will ultimately die out and that we are slowly killing the earth and ourselves...not very comforting.
However, this past week we talked about enthropy, and I somehow was reassured. I guess it was the fact that our discussion basically made aging and dying seem like very natural things. Not that that makes either of them any less devastating, but now at least it doesn't seem so irrational or unfair.
What I found even more intriguing was that nature in general tends toward entropy, and will ultimately break apart. This then means that most things in life function the way they do partially because they are slowly slowly on their way out? So interesting. It makes me wonder what the factors are that put us "improbably" together. How strong must those things be?


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