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drichard's picture

probability and intentionality

What interests me most about entropy is the human propensity to deny and fight it. The universe is constantly decomposing; everything is falling to pieces all the time; ashes to ashes, star dust to star dust, etc. Life is a slow death [okay, a little morose]. As humans we take every measure to combat our decomposition [typically at the expense of other materials]. The best example is modern medicine. Whether it's the administration of life-saving antibiotics or a weekly shot of collagen, we are constantly trying to preserve life, to prolong death. In this way intentionality alters the natural course of the universe. This could have harrowing effects on the balance struck between the sun, plants, and humans [which was diagrammed in the energy flow chart we looked at last week]. What exactly could come of this disturbance? And is it really a "disturbance" at all, or is human intentionality itself a "natural" process?


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