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cejensen's picture

Things Fall Apart

 This weeks' classes really struck me, especially the idea that the aging process can be seen as "moving towards a more probable state," that state being death. Not only is everything breaking down, we discussed the idea that improbable assemblies depend on things that are moving towards a more probable state (breaking down, falling apart) for their existence.

The big example used was the sun - sunlight is the sun breaking down, and it provides life on earth with energy. However, doesn't the sun also break us down? My family has very fair skin, and both my dad and my grandpa have had to have cancerous spots removed because of sun exposure. Not only do we, as improbable assemblies, depend on things the are breaking down, but also (simultaneously) the things that we depend on that are breaking down are breaking us down. This can also be seen in the food we eat - we depend on it to maintain our improbable state (life), but the food we eat is not always good for us, and can simultaneously break us down.


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