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 Humans are funny animals.

 Humans are funny animals. Why do we always need to know? What's the point? We just use knowledge to change stuff because we think the change will be somehow beneficial (to whom/for what?). What kind of animals are we that question, pick apart and change the organic ways of the world? Then again, it doesn't really matter, because here we are-- organically. We didn't choose to evolve. So, since evolution/natural selection doesn't have any intention-- evolution isn't constantly striving to make the world "better" or to make the world "worse" (unless there is a some deity out there fiddling with us, which actually would make a whole lot more sense to my now limitless, reasonless brain), humans exiting was totally random. Even though we are so drastically different than other animals in the way we think and act (cognition, reason, using emotion to decide), our evolving to be this way was just chance. And maybe Evolution (personified evolution) made a big mistake in putting us here because s/he didn't realize we would make weapons of mass destruction or suck out all the fossil fuel and burn it. Oops?

No. The planet doesn't care if it goes on. We're stardust; we're random.


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