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thatcaliforniagirl13's picture

Freshman Fifteen Scare! How is it handled at BMC?

This survey focuses more on 15 frosh here at BMC. I'll make sure to do at least one frosh from every residence hall rather than just in my own to have a more diverse group. I want to find out how students here are handling the freshman fifteen. Is it something seen as a joke or taken more seriously?

Scale from 1 to 5

1- disagree        5- agree

1. I take the freshman fifteen seriously.

1      2      3     4      5

2. I watch what I eat and avoid fatty foods to not gain weight.

1      2      3     4      5

3. I go to the gym regularly in hopes of keeping off those extra pounds.

1      2      3     4      5

4. I think the whole idea of the freshman fifteen is ridiculous.

1      2      3     4      5

5. There is no way that I will gain fifteen pounds this year alone.

1      2      3     4      5



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