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role of education

I was intrigued by our discussion in class today and the topic of the role of education in society. I think it might have been Sherry that mentioned that schools "create citizens." So what is the goal of higher education? Why are we at Bryn Mawr and Haverford? Why are we taking this gen/sex course? Are we becoming involved with the gender & sexuality studies program because we want to not only be citizens, but informed citizens. Is there a "problem" or "problems" we're looking to solve? Of course, these are all leading questions, but something that I was considering during class that didn't quite rise to the surface of discussion was the idea of a practicum or some kind of field work for gender and sexuality studies. What would the implications be of adding some kind of required project that takes place in communities around our colleges to the curriculum of the gen/sex program? I know the education program has field placements, and in anthroplogy you can take field work courses for credit. What would it mean for the gen/sex program to add something like that? This was just kind of floating around in my brain and I was thinking about how this idea might play into how I re-envision our "ideal" syllabus for the rest of the semester. Thoughts anyone? I don't know if this is a fully formed thought, but I can't tell because my brain is not entirely functioning due to lack of caffeine haha.


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