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Overlapping Classes

I'm taking a sociology class now and today we talked about how categories such as gender, race, and class are socially constructed. They are not "real" things, because they were created from nothing, but they are "real" in terms of their consequences. I still find it confusing, but I think I'm starting to get the gist of it. For example, biologically there is no such thing as race, but because people have made it into a social category, they have made it "real" by consequences such as racism. The reason I'm writing about this is because I can't help thinking about GaS when I'm in sociology and vice versa. My sociology professor even talked briefly about Anne Fausto-Sterling who is a biologist that studies gender categories. He didn't go into a lot of detail but I think she's worth looking into. I just hope I don't start mixing up topics and readings for the separate classes...


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