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Deborah Hazen's picture

Was it an inquiry lesson?

No. We did not ask the question (based on something that surprised us, was intriguing, or didn't make sense to us). We did not work collaboratively to develop an idea to test or choose a method/tools for collecting data. We did not work individually or in small groups to analyze the data and then come together to share opposing/differing views/stories about the data. We did not then work as a group to either decide to collect more data, allow the emergence of a group story....

The activiy that we participated in was preconceived, had one outcome, and was teacher led--so it isn't inquiry in my mind. Sure we inquired about how we thought---it was an activity that designed to highlight the metacognitive process. Neither the time or space was available in an isolated hour--(one interaction between the teacher and class) to have an inquiry into metacognition.



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