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Moira Messick's picture

Please share more about the

Please share more about the outcome of your "grammar in the upper elementary schools" research.  I realize that you probably did not find a definitive answer but I would be interested in hearing your ideas.  Would the grammar be taught in isolation---in the context of writing?  Does it make a difference?  The only grammar in isolation I teach is to memorize the fifty most common prepositions....the only reason I do this is because 13 years ago, the 8th grade teachers asked me to when I asked them "What is the most important thing you want students to know when they come to you next year?" 

The four goals (aka "four c's") of my program are critical thinking, connection-making, communications, and cooperative learning.  Rotely memorizing 50 prepositions does not seem to fit under any of them.....but I've been doing it every year under the guise of "some people enjoy learning this way and we strive to meet all types of learning styles in here..."  The only gratifying element of this (lame) assignment is that kids become metacognitive  in how they approach learning this seemingly large body of knowledge.  Some students write songs or draw pictures, each trying to identify their best learning tool for the task at hand.  Ok, maybe there are two gratifying elements...the second comes a year later when they tell me that their 7th grade song came in handy in grade 8 and other kids were not as prepared as they were for the preposition test.  Most kids actually remembered their jingle.  This is a short lived victory for me as I still do not buy completely into it... not quite inquiry learning but it is a small concession to make while I have pretty much free reign over the rest of my classroom procedures:)

So, I would love to hear your point of view on "grammar in the upper elementary schools."




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