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Wil Franklin's picture

Verolga Nix-Allen's bbi and ii09 Grant Proposal

              Brain and Behavior: Paul Grobstein, Instructor
              Inquiry:                 Wilfred Frankin, Instructor

                       “THE INQUIRING BRAIN SINGS”

     My name is Dr. Verolga Nix-Allen.  I am a retired public school Music
Teacher.  I have taught grades K-12. I’ve enjoyed high school the
most.  I am now the founder, Music Director, composer and arranger of
an auditioned, professional choir of 28 voices divided into Soprano,
Alto, Tenor and Bass, named the INTERMEZZO CHOIR MINISTRY.

     For years I have advocated not eating chocolate, nuts and popcorn,etc
before a concert or ministry. What I neglected to say was what to eat
before singing. I would like to use this mini-grant to delve deeper
into that theory. I shall experiment, with the aid of a nutritionist,
what to eat and not to eat before singing. I now have an opportunity
to try and test my theory.  My goal is that the members respond to
the valuable connection of health and healthy eating not just now but
as a life-style. As we explore this story  together, hopefully their
thinking, pitch and placement of tones will improve and be less

METHOD         (Six months- November 2009-April 2010)
      •        Collaborate, set up, monitor experiment with
        registered nutritionist
      •        Select 2 responsible/willing persons from
        voice part (8)
     Prepare a packet for each participant to include:
      •        Picture of brain parts effected by singing
      •        List foods/snacks to eat & not to eat before singing
      •        Time to eat or not to eat them before singing
      •        Journal to record info/data pertinent @ experiment
      •        Folders

      •        Bring everyone together to brain storm and record
      •        Participants fill out questions & collect journals
      •        Print-out, explain, refine data and present to choir

BUDGET  ($300 per Institute)

      •        Nutritionist                             $   50.00
      •        Choir Members (8x$25.00)                     $  200.00
      •        Food./snacks                             $  325.00
      •        Packet Preparation                             $   40.00
                                                $  615.00


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