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Paul Grobstein's picture

humans as "creators of" and "source of differences in" meaning

Its a distinction worth calling attention to.  Thanks.  Both are, I think, largely a function of story telling rather than underlying "creatureliness." My story is that we make meaning largely be virtue of our ability to conceive alternative stories ("counterfactuals").  Our ability to conceive alternative stories, individually and collectively, can be enhanced by learning to value the differences in meaning made by different individuals rather than treating differences as things to be ignored or ironed out.   Yep, interesting implications for relationships and education.  Work towards a "psychology that enables trusting conflict" by setting up situations where people are encouraged to express differences and can experience the new insights that in turn arise?  By allowing people to have experiences with the positive outcomes, for themselves and others, of seeing each other "not in terms of deficiencies but in terms of possibilities"?  With that sort of experience in turn promoting a more "generous" character in our "creatureliness"?


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