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jwiltsee's picture

This class had the same

This class had the same effect on me as one of my statistics class in economics.  That is there is always a way to manipulate data and present data so that it supports your arguments more strongly.  In Neuro we learned that there is no truth in science, but there are ways to present truths that may be currently correct at that present time.  This refers to the loopy model of science.  From this loopy model, we were able to explore various topics of neurobiology and behavior from many fields of thought. 

The main question I wanted to learn about was the effects of depression on the body.  Indeed I did learn a lot about this, especially through writing one of my web papers on this topic.  A question I still would like to learn more about is the anatomy of the nervous system.  I understood we did learn a about neurons, synapses, axioms, motor neurons, and how they interact with the spinal column.  On the other hand, I would have like to look for a more indepth micro level explanation, but this may not be the goal of the course.  Lastly, the explanations about the I-function and the bipartide brain answered many of my questions relating to how the nervous system plays into behavior. 

Finally, I felt the discussions were very engaging and Prof. Grobstein was able to direct the discussions to where he wanted them to end up.  This I believe was very intellectually stimulating, especially because many comments were made that came from all different backgrounds of learning (i.e. psych, econ, bio, classics, english..etc) 


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