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Give up

"Keep in mind that"
No, YOU keep in mind, you are the wrong here dude, not me.

1. The video that you quoted in braingames, the guy says that color is an "illusion" created between your brain interacting with the properties of luminescence reflectivity and shadow" 0:13
(more like a ecological property), It is both objective and subjective (Something that you fail to grasp)
Start with this IDEA that color is an illusion 1:10
He clearly says here that color maybe is not something that is 100% objective, but it is more like subjective-objective. Both.
Even though, IMO, even that idea is wrong, IMO, Color is 100% objective. This is a scientific fact and a objective fact. Science already explained it, you need to study more my dear friend, start with color light refraction or Light, Color, and Atmospheric Optics

2. "WHAT WE ACTUALLY PERCEIVE IS ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY, emitted by a source such as the Sun or an electric light fixture, and then reflected off other objects in the environment. But we can't see all the energy that's bouncing around in our environment. Visible light amounts to only a narrow swath in the middle of the electromagnetic spectrum—frequencies between 400 and 700 nanometers. "At the most basic level color is light and light consists of electromagnetic waves," explains Yale University."
Yes, and? What do you think electromagnetic waves is, dude?
Go study basic physics first and stop making a fool of yourself, You're fucking wasting my time here.

3. The video that you quoted 'Color Only Exists In Your Brain', is incorrect, read the comments from the people in the comment section, they debunked it. the guy from the video is not a real physicist he is a new-ager moron trying to say that 'color is an illusion' to diminish racism, but this is pseudoscientific nonsense and wrong.

?? They just proved my point here, and the obvious.

- "David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel demonstrated that highly specialized cells called feature detectors RESPOND to these visual signals"
(It responds, It doesn't magically create anything)

- "From the visual cortex, visual signals often travel on to other parts of the brain, where more PROCESSING occurs"
(It processes, It doesn't magically create anything)

-" These neurons may respond to various features of the perceived object such as edges, angles, shapes, movement, brightness, and texture."
(And again, RESPOND to -- the external brightness, shapes, movement and so on)

"Objects in the world seem to be brightly colored, but they actually have no color at all. Red cars, green leaves, and blue sweaters certainly exist"
They acknowledge the fact that green, red and blue CERTAINLY EXIST..(which is obvious)

"but their color is a psychological experience"
What they mean here is that the color experience is SUBJECTIVE, It is not only objective, If that was the case, colour blindness wouldn't exist, problems in rods and cones makes on color blind, the person doesn't respond to color very well. The same with any problem in the vision.

"Objects only produce or reflect light of different wavelengths and amplitudes (Brightness)

"Our eyes and brains then convert this light information to experiences of color."
Yes, rods and cones respond to color, If they are working properly you should see what is objectively in front of you.
•The first process occurs in the retina and is explained by the trichromatic theory.
•The second process occurs in retinal ganglion cells and in cells in the thalamus and visual cortex. The opponent process theory explains this process.


stresses me so much to know that there are some
dumb people discussing if color is real or not, if the world is flat or not, you just waste my fucking time and time from those who still have a brain.


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